Numerical Linear Algebra              Spring 2025

Homework Assignments

Homework 1: Due Friday, January 31

My problems, HW1


Golub & Van Loan (G&VL): P2.7.1 (p. 102). Hint: (2.7.8) refers to an algorithm on p. 98, and Lemma 2.7.1 (using interpretation (2.7.12)) does the hard part.

Homework 2: Due Friday, February 14

G&VL: P1.1.3, P1.1.4 (you can skip the last question in P1.1.4), P2.1.2

53903 students: G&VL: P3.2.4

Homework 3: Due Friday, March 14

P2.1.5, P2.2.7, P2.3.8, P2.6.1 (assume ||AB|| ≤ ||A||||B||), P2.6.2 (assume ||AB|| ≤ ||A||||B||)